
Using Rookie Smart styles to explore Blended Learning goals

Today I encountered an interesting strategy to get my learning pleasure way up. It’s a learning itinerary technique from Rookie Smarts by Liz Wiseman. I’m just starting to get reading to explore the online/ MOOC / Blended Learning field on “Social Media and Branding strategy”. The last, Social Media and Branding Strategy, is a part of my Entrepreneurship program for the University of Applied Science Windesheim.

A part of my job is to architect a Blended Learning course for this program. So I worked on this for a while, the research part on BL, and now I’m going to start to work on the practical part: design a part of the course. I use the design approach described by Jared Stein and Charles Graham in Essentials of Blended Learning

blended learning design flow

But now to the “Social Media and Branding Strategy” part: I have to get a lot of material and want to have a refreshing start. So I created an itinerary approach just like Liz Wiseman described in her inspiring book. Who doesn’t want to see the world of his job as a new adventure using a rookie approach on the matter? In this approach you can use several rookie techniques Wiseman describes. Investigated, Wiseman defines four Rookie styles: The Backpackers, Hunter-Gatherers, Firewalkers and the Pioneers. All use different techniques to master the learning of new things and implement them.

My itinerary is shown below ( you can download your own version here) and contains three Rookie Smart-techniques:


  • Make a Map : Map your terrain
  • Wipe the slate: Get a fresh start
  • Staple yourself to a problem: Attach yourself to a complex problem and let it drag you to a new space

This article is written after my goal to use every book I read and do something concrete with this for my work and/or privat life. This goal was a waking call I got from reading the book The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth by Chris Bogan.

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