
Scrumclass by Jeff Sutherland

In England the Scrum overview book written by Scrum master and evangelist Jeff Sutherland was published. People who want to read the book in Dutch have to wait till December when the book will be published by Maven Publishing.

In Scrum (“The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time”) Sutherland writes about his thirty years development with agile and landing his Scrum methodology. Sutherland has developed to a humorously author in this hefty book on the history but more important the broad implementations of Scrum. The book is not primary targeted for ICT or project managers, but more for the general manager.

Scrum is a so called ‘Agile’ method that is build around self-managing teams. In these projects the customer in his role as project-owner is closely involved, with time as a mayor steering instrument. It further concentrates on measurements and like other quality management systems as Six Sigma and Lean on continues improvement.

Scrum is a proven building block in the whole Lean philosophy. Scrum at the moment is used in thousands of projects worldwide and adopted by organization as banks (ING) or online retail (BOL.com). By using short sprints products can be delivered in a short period of time and demonstrated to the customer organization.

 Scrum recently has spread it’s wins to other project-types then ICT. Listen to the recent interview with the author.

Or look at the following Tedx Talk Jeff Sutherland delivered with a lot of management lessons that also are mentioned in the book.


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